
  • I
    Game Rules
  • II
    Character Creation
  • III
    Worlds and Settings
Character Creation Guide

Step 1


Strength represents a character's physical power, muscle mass, and ability to exert force. A high Strength score translates to increased melee damage, greater carrying capacity, and improved performance in tasks requiring brute force, such as breaking down doors or lifting heavy objects.


Agility reflects a character's nimbleness, speed, and dexterity. A character with high Agility excels in tasks requiring precise movement, hand-eye coordination, and balance. This can result in better performance with ranged weapons, higher evasion chances, and improved abilities in activities such as lockpicking, acrobatics, or stealth.


Durability embodies a character's overall stamina, resilience, and ability to withstand physical challenges. A high Durability score grants the character more health points, increased resistance to physical harm, and faster recovery from fatigue or injuries. This attribute also affects the character's ability to persist through long journeys, harsh environments, or extended combat encounters.


Logic represents a character's ability to reason, analyze, and solve complex problems. A high Logic score translates to improved problem-solving skills, better performance in puzzle-solving, and the ability to craft intricate strategies during encounters. Characters with high Logic are adept at tasks requiring intellect, such as deciphering codes, understanding languages, or outwitting opponents.


Mysticism refers to a character's connection with arcane, divine, or supernatural forces, and their ability to manipulate these energies to achieve various effects. A character with a high Mysticism score excelx in casting spells, summoning creatures, or channeling divine power. This attribute also influences the character's understanding of magical lore, rituals, and the underlying principles governing the mystical world.


Instinct embodies a character's gut feelings, intuition, and natural talent in sensing the world around them. A high Instinct score grants the character a heightened awareness of their surroundings, an uncanny ability to detect danger, and a knack for making snap decisions based on intuition. Characters with strong Instinct excel at tasks that require quick thinking, improvisation, or an innate understanding of the environment, such as tracking prey, navigating through treacherous terrain, or sensing hidden threats.


Presence represents a character's charisma, personal magnetism, and ability to command attention or influence others. A high Presence score translates to improved social interactions, persuasive abilities, and the capacity to lead or inspire others. Characters with strong Presence excel at tasks requiring diplomacy, negotiation, oratory, or intimidation, and can often sway the opinions or emotions of those around them.


Insight refers to a character's capacity for empathy, perception, and understanding of the motives, emotions, or intentions of others. A high Insight score allows the character to read people more effectively, identify falsehoods, or sense hidden agendas. Characters with keen Insight excel at tasks that involve interpersonal understanding, such as detecting lies, interpreting body language, or discerning the true motives behind someone's actions.


Psyche embodies a character's mental fortitude, willpower, and resilience in the face of psychological or emotional challenges. A high Psyche score typically grants the character increased resistance to mental manipulation, fear, or other mind-affecting effects. Characters with a strong Psyche excel at tasks that require focus, determination, or mental endurance, such as resisting magical mind control, overcoming fear, or maintaining concentration under stress.